Anal Fissure Surgeon In Faridabad

Anal Fissure

Anal canal is a shorter tube and it is surrounded by muscles at the end of the rectum. The rectum is the final portion of the large intestine. Anal Fissure is a small cut or tears in the lining of the anal canal. Anal fissures mainly cause pain and bleeding during bowel movements.

Common causes of Anal Fissure are

  • Passing large or hard stools
  • Constipation
  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Chronic diarrhea/li>
  • Anal intercourse
  • Childbirth

An anal fissure has quite a lot of symptoms for you to understand what you are suffering from:

  • There will be a very visible tear around the anal region. You will be able to spot the tear on the skin very easily.
  • A small lump of the skin may form next to the tear
  • When you will be undergoing your bowel movements, you will feel a very sharp pain in the anal region.
  • You will find spots of blood on the stool passed.
  • You will also feel a burning or an itching sensation in the anal region.

Generally, Anal Fissure is not a serious condition. It can affect people of all ages. If nonsurgical treatments are failed to cure chronic anal fissure as well as if symptoms are severe then a doctor can recommend surgery to cure anal fissure. In such a case, doctors usually perform a procedure called Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS).